LIL' HADDIES Battered Haddock Portions - from Savory Seafood Grille - Air Fry - Bake - Deep Fry - Enjoy!

Lil' Haddies

Cut From Atlantic Haddock Fillets - Melanogrammus Aeglefinus
Western Edge Seafood is excited to unveil our latest innovation in the frozen seafood domain – Lil' Haddies™ battered Haddock portions.  We have successfully catered to the culinary needs of restaurants, food service distributors, wholesalers, and retail chains regionally with this product, and are thrilled to announce that we are opening Lil’ Haddies™ up to nationwide availability!

Lil’ Haddies™ address several known issues with current retail offerings on breaded/battered fish like: heavy breading/batter, minced fish, soggy/mushy texture, and lower quality fish. These issues are addressed by Lil’ Haddies™ being whole muscle premium Haddock portions that are 60% Haddock, 40% signature batter, creating a great bite of clean tasting fish!

This product features culinary adaptability and versatility.  They are par cooked, so they are able to be prepared three ways: Baked, Air Fried, and Deep Fried.  They are also useful in several culinary applications, where they can be served as Fish & Chips, Sliders, Po Boys, Fish Sandwiches, Platters, and more! Our Lil’ Haddies™ boast versatile packaging options, including 24oz. (1.5#) full color retail bags, rider-card packs (2#), and food service packs (2x5# IQF), ensuring a tailored solution for every business model.  We invite you to explore the possibilities of incorporating Lil’ Haddies™ into your offerings.  Contact us TODAY!

Check out the videos for Lil’ Haddies™ below!

The Endless Possibilities of Lil' Haddies™!

Need something different for dinner? Look no further! Get hooked on Lil' Haddies™! Serve them as sliders, fish & chips, or just put a plate of them out & watch 'em disappear!

Delicious Delights: Lil' Haddies Battered Haddock Portions

Dive into the sea of flavor with our latest taste adventure featuring Lil' Haddies Battered Haddock Portions!

These 1.5lb resealable bags feature a resealable top, pouch bottom, & a large window to view the product so your customers can see the quality product they’re getting in the bag!  Our 2lb rider bags feature a header card that provides all of the product & preparation information, with a fully clear bag to see the product, which reduces packaging costs! Choose the bag that best fits your store's needs! No need to hide in a box!

These golden & crispy portions are a great addition to your hot service counter!  They can be featured on your hot counter menu in many ways & are easily prepared with almost any cooking equipment your kitchen has! A great way to get people hooked is sampling them from your hot counter - & next thing you know they’re picking up lunch & a bag for home! They’ll be sure to come back again & again!

Whole Muscle, NO MINCE! Cut from fillets, the ratio of delicious, white, flaky, mild Haddock to its golden, crispy batter is the secret to Lil’ Haddies™ success! They are so good, even kids love them! They‘re a great way to introduce children to eating more seafood as a part of their diet! We have even seen people who don’t regularly eat fish enjoy them! Once people try them for the first time, they’re HOOKED!

Product Forms:
24oz. Full Color Retail Bags
2lb. Rider Retail Bags
2x5lb. IQF Foodservice Pack

Alternative Keywords:
Atlantic Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus